Max msp reverb
Max msp reverb

When a vocal is replaced by a synth line it simply doesn’t carry that same power or human element. To me, a vocal always sounds evocative regardless of the lyrical content." “The only time I worked with a vocalist is when I sampled something that turned out to be a cover of a Beatles track, so I got someone in to re-sing that and wrote new lyrics because trying to get a Beatles sample cleared is about the worst thing you can do. Are you bringing vocalists in or using samples from other sources? You use a lot of vocal samples on your tracks. Even then, I wanted to move away from a lo-fi house sound and definitely feel that I’m experimenting more and keeping a very open mind.” “Weirdly, I thought of Tread as my third album as I’d already released a lot of EPs and had already become well-known for a certain type of sound.

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Despite Covid being an awful time, I was lucky to have the freedom to hole myself away and work slowly on this project through 2020.” My last album Family Portrait took two years just to write and it’s been the same with Tread, so I definitely struggle to create coherent projects quickly. “With other artists I prefer the two-year album cycle, but have come to realise that it’s hard for me to do that. Is there a self-enforced pressure to release music regularly and can that be a bad thing? I herald her as much as Bowie and think her innovation is on the same level.” "All of her tracks are so dynamic, engaging and rich in substance, and I’m not too mad on lyrics but hers definitely add an extra layer. I definitely think music-making has a problem-solving aspect to it, except the solution is an abstract one and I only know what I’m looking for once it clicks I hope to be inspired by that same level of confidence when I’m producing.

max msp reverb

When she came out with Wuthering Heights in the late ‘70s people were really confused but she was just being herself and I think that’s a really admirable approach. “I think it’s mainly her super-bold approach.

Max msp reverb